Kamis, 15 Maret 2012


If you visit Yogyakarta you're absolutely must come to Malioboro, since it was well-known for its shopping center and one of tourist attraction spot. Malioboro always crowded every time, moreover when the night come or when its sunday night, its absolutely will get more crowded.

Along Malioboro street there are many store lined up. Some department store are join up too.There are store that sell any kind of crafts (lot of them are silver crafts) and batik clothes that always searched by tourist too. Malioboro also a place where many cadgers earn money. The things that sold by the cadgers usually negotiable until half a price.

There are traditional transportation spread along the road. There are andong, that is a carriage that pulled by a horse, and the one that control the horse named kusir. Beside andong, there is becak, two-wheeled vehicle, that similar with bicycle.

Every five years, Malioboro street become a stage for Java Carnival. Till now, Java Carnival has held twice, but once it gets started, there will be a huge human wave. 

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