Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Jogja,,,, change my world

Jogja, also known as Yogyakarta was a capital town of D.I Yogyakarta. Beneath Yogyakarta lay aside a batch of Indonesia's histories. It was proven by some old buildings that remain same and still steadily stand till now. Yogyakarta was first a capital city of Republic Indonesia when Netherlands still enthroned in the land of Indonesia's people. But the the capital city was moved to Jakarta by some serious discussion and reconciliation of some Executives in Indonesia.
Since it was formed till now, Yogyakarta always conducted by the descent of Keraton Kigdom's family that titled Hamengkubowono. Right now Yogyakarta was conducted by Hamengkubowono X. Hamengkubowono X was a King of Keraton as well as a governor of Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta have so many unique that always attract domestic or international tourist to visit. Even though Yogyakarta had developed so much, Yogyakarta still have ancient side beneath. Not just old buildings that have stand a long time ago, but also unique tradition that always kept till now. Yogyakarta has so many traditions that always inherited by generations, such as ceremony that have mystique unsure in it. That was one of points that always attract tourist's curiousity.
Beside known for have unique tradition, Yogyakarta also known as City of  Student. There are so many people who come to Yogyakarta to study since Yogyakarta provide good education for the society. Beside the one of the unversities in Yogyakarta was the best universities in Indonesia. It was Gadjah Mada Universities that well-known in the Indonesia even in the world.
Yogyakarta also well-known for its silver craft industry that centered in Kotagede. The silver craft that produced by the craftsman in Kotagede always known for its good quality. 
Anyways, Yogyakarta has so many charm that always fascinate peoples.
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