Jogja,,,change my world,,,,

Jogja, also known as Yogyakarta was a capital town of D.I Yogyakarta. Beneath Yogyakarta lay aside a batch of Indonesia's histories. It was proven by some old buildings that remain same and still steadily stand till now. Yogyakarta was first a capital city of Republic Indonesia when Netherlands still enthroned in the land of Indonesia's people. But the the capital city was moved to Jakarta by some serious discussion and reconciliation of some Executives in Indonesia.

Jogja,,, The Old City

If we talk about Yogyakarta the word 'ancient' will automatically pop up in our mind

Jogja,,, The City of Student

Everytime Yogyakarta always flooded by students come from all over Indonesia, Yogyakarta always stay ahead in education!

Jogja,,, City of Gudeg

The must tasted food in Yogyakarta!! I represent Gudeg.....

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Taman Pintar

Taman Pintar was an educational center that designed to give knowledge about science. The target of this science park was students. We can learn about science in interesting way, and now this place hit a big success for always make many visitors.

Taman Pintar was located near Beringharjo traditional market and beside book shopping center. Taman pintar was consisted of west PAUD building, east PAUD bulding, circle building, cubic building, and memorabilia building. Outside, there is playground for kids to play. The president was coming to celebrate the opening, we can found the president's footprint here.

Taman Pintar gives a unique way for us to study science, we can play while studying. Some of the arena are Water Corridor, Whispering Parabolic Dishes, Singing Walls, Storytelling Pipe, Spectrum Color Disc, Dancing Water, Stone Forum, Smart Footprint, My Beautiful Village, Pulley System, Tree House, Shaking Bridge, Seesaw, and Sand Castle. Beside all that, we can watch 4D movie that have duration about 15 minutes with 15.000 Rupiah.
You should come and  enjoy this by yourself! This is a fun and exciting way to learn


Yogyakarta has always well-known for its traditional food. The most well-known of them, of course, there is gudeg. In Jogja you can always found a place that sell gudeg.

Gudeg, originally has sweet taste. Gudeg consist of a young jack fruit that cut into small pieces and then seasoned with some special recipe in it, telur pindang, jangan tempe, and some consisted a chicken (non-fried ed) that seasoned.

One of famous gudeg is gudeg Yu Djum. There we can learn how to make nice gudeg that tutored by Yu Djum herself.


If you visit Yogyakarta you're absolutely must come to Malioboro, since it was well-known for its shopping center and one of tourist attraction spot. Malioboro always crowded every time, moreover when the night come or when its sunday night, its absolutely will get more crowded.

Along Malioboro street there are many store lined up. Some department store are join up too.There are store that sell any kind of crafts (lot of them are silver crafts) and batik clothes that always searched by tourist too. Malioboro also a place where many cadgers earn money. The things that sold by the cadgers usually negotiable until half a price.

There are traditional transportation spread along the road. There are andong, that is a carriage that pulled by a horse, and the one that control the horse named kusir. Beside andong, there is becak, two-wheeled vehicle, that similar with bicycle.

Every five years, Malioboro street become a stage for Java Carnival. Till now, Java Carnival has held twice, but once it gets started, there will be a huge human wave. 


Keraton has existed since 1755. Keraton was a palace where the king and the queen live. Now, Keraton has changed a lot. At first, alun-alun and pojok beteng were included in Keraton's territory, and plengkung was the gate to enter Keraton. Keraton was arounded by a castle, and in every corner of those castle there are a small chamber, called 'pojok beteng', it was still exist till now.
Hamengkubowono I was the architect of Keraton's palace. Its even got some recognition from other country too.
We can see Keraton from the front of Vrederburg castle and if we walk from Malioboro street to north we would end in Keraton. At first Keraton's territory was as wide as 14.000 sq. m. But since there are many building that keep building, Keraton's territory was decreased.

Now Keraton was open for public, visitor was permitted to explore the inner of Keraton. We can know what the place of king and queen live look like. The inner of the Keraton display many ancient things, since it was open for public it now more look like a museum. Inside the museum there are imitation of some sacred heirlooms, present from foreign country, the carriage that used by the royal family, gamelan (traditional instrument from Java), and the photos of the royal family member, and the family tree.

In Keraton there are some ritual ceremony held, there are the commemoration of 1st Suro (the name of month in Javanese calendar), Labuhan ceremony that held every 30th of Rajab (also the name of month in Javanese calendar) in South sea, and garebeg ceremony that held every 3 years. All that cultures always inherited generation by generation, they still maintained till now.   

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Vrederburg Castle

Vrederburg Castle placed in front of the Yogyakarta Sultan Palace and beside the monument of 5th March. This castle was built by VOC when Indonesia still colonized by Netherlands. This castle was built as the center of defense and government of Netherlands. This castle has trench around it and has observation tower in all the four corner. This castle now has changed into museum since it stores so many history in it.
This castle has so many history keep in it. That were all about story about the struggle of the Indonesian people to stop the colonization of Netherlands. In the museum, kept the picture of the heroes that fight for Indonesia, and the artificial of the weapons that used during the Netherlands colonization's time. There are also wax figure in mini size that designed to imitate the settings of some event that happen during the fight, there is also some back sound too if we insert coin.

Beside its role to give knowledge to peoples about the history of Indonesia, now Vrederburg Castle often become the place of some festivals or exhibition. Its actually a nice spot to take a picture too.

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Prambanan Temple

If we talk about Yogyakarta, there is a heritage site that already well-known in all over the world. Prambanan temple once has become The Seven Wonders in the world. Prambanan was the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, while Borobudur was the largest Buddha temple in Indonesia. Since Borobudur placed outside Yogyakarta area I won't mention it.

Prambanan temple placed in Prambanan village, exactly on the boundary between D.I Yogyakarta and Central Java. This temple has included in the World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This temple also one of the most beautiful temple in Southeast Asia. 

This largest temple in Indonesia was built in 9 Century. The temple was built as a dedication for Trimurti. India people believed that there are three gods in Hindu's gospel, there are Brahma The Creator, Wisnu as The Keeper, and Shiwa The Annihilator. That belief now has already spread around Indonesia archipelago.
In Siwagrha inscription mentioned that before this temple was named as Siwagrha (mean The Resident of Shiwa) it was pointed by the sculpture of Shiwa with the height about 3  meters stood in the main chamber, it means that this temple was prioritized for Shiwa.
Siwagrha inscription also informed that Prambanan temple was built by the initiation of Rakai Pikatan at about 8,5 century. Then developed and extended by Balitung Maha Sumbu, when Mataram Kingdom period.

To attract more tourist and visitor,  there are ballet performance held thrice every week (the schedule isn't always same). It was Ramayana ballet. It is a traditional dance and all the dancer wear traditional costume accompanied by traditional instrument, that is gamelan. The story was adapted by India myth about Shinta and Rama, a couple that love each other so much. Until there is one day that Shinta kidnapped by ogre -that is called Arwana- because of Shinta's negligence. This is a story about the struggle of Rama to bring back Shinta with the help of his brother, Lesmana, and a half human-half ape creature, Hanoman. It was a fascinating performance that end with Shinta jumped down in the burning flame to proved her chasity.
Actually, Prambanan temple has already in the verge of collapse so many times before, particularly when there is a formidable earthquake in 2006, and there is some of the statue's part that being stolen and traded for high price  in the black market. But it keeps being renovated until it was look like the first time.

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Angkringan tugu

If you come to Jogja, you sure must come to angkringan, since you won'tam find it anywhere beside in Jogja. One of the famous angkringan in Jogja is Angkringan Tugu, that placed beside Tugu Station's railway. From the very north of the road till the end of the road, angkringan were spread around the left path of the road, while the right side available for the guest covering with a layer of mat.
One of a famous angkringan here between so many angkringan that spread around the road was Angkringan Lek Man (Uncle Man) that place on the top north of the road. Many guest gather here, despite its numerous guest, the serving here is pretty fast too.
The menus that offered here are all less than 5000 rupiah, there are some that less than 4000 rupiah, or even below 3000 rupiah. One of a top searched in angkringan is kopi joss. Kopi Joss is tubruk coffee with a hot charcoal that just grilled put in the glass of coffee. And the most special is a wrap of nasi kucing. Nasi kucing is rice with various side dish (there are usus, jangan tempe, or jangan teri) that wrapped with banana leave and a paper. For addition you can add gorengan (any food that fried ed) and if you want additional side dish there are bird's meat too and eggs bird that stabbed by a tappering wooden.You can taste a meal of common people that actually very nice.

Pondok Cabe

Pondok Cabe was one of a food store in Jogja that already have some branch. In jogja Pondok Cabe already has 3 branch, first, at the Jalan C Simanjutak, the second at Jalan Gejayan, and not long time ago they open a new branch in Jalan Tamansiswa.
In english 'cabe' means chilli, so, just like the name Pondok cabe provide chilli with various processed (we call it 'sambal'). After all,  Indonesia people always eating meals with sambal as the complementary. It will make delicious meal more tasty. In Pondok Cabe provide any kind of sambal, from low spicy level, until a very spicy level. And we can choose the exact sambal based by what meals we have. Every sambal offered always have its own unique, and recipe. The recommended sambal here are samabal bawang, and sambal mercon, the most popular sambal here.
Not just sambal, Pondok Cabe also offered any culinary from Indonesia. There is pecel (vegetables that mixed by peanut sauce), various kind of fried rice, empal (cow meat that seasoned), tahu & tempe (fermented soybean), any fried food, and grilled food, an there are many more delicious menus. And the recommended drink here is Es Cendol, special drink only in Indonesia.
There are many table, don't worry we won't have to wait or reserve to have a meal in this food store. There are gazebo, where we can eat while enjoy the opened-air, there are lesehan (no chair, shit on the floor) where we can relax our body or to have Java's culture's feeling, and there are normal table too.
The price is reasonable too, with enough portion we can be satisfied with less than 20.000 Rupiah.

Rumah Coklat

Rumah Coklat was a cafe the placed at Jalan Cik di Tiro 56, Yogyakarta. Thic cafe often has teenagers as the guest. But not only teenagers come to this place, some adults are often come here too since this cafe has a really comfortable feeling with make us relax with all the homemade menus that will calm down our mind. 
There are various menu offered here, if we want something warm we can choose the menu from 'hot' category, and if we want something cool we can choose from 'cool' category. This cafe not only provide drinks and beverages, we can found any western food here. Such as pancake, sausage, pasta, lasagna, soup cream, etc, with some varieties that make it different. 
Well, as the person who already came here, I should recommended you some menus. For drink, I really like Belgian chocolate, it gives you a little bitter feeling, but also have a sweet feeling in it, when it gets down on your throat it really warm you up, you should feel this sensation by yourself! With chocolate spoon that make it more perfect! For meal, I recommended pancake with oreo topping on it and a scoop of vanilla ice cream with a cherry decorated it. Or blueberry cheese pancake, with the cheese taste that will melt all over your mouth! Actually there are still many good and tasty menus in this cafe, but it's not exciting if I tell all of that to you, you should taste that by yourself!

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

The House of Raminten

Just like the name, The House of Raminten was owned by someone named Raminten. This restaurant really gives off the ancient Java's culture's feeling. All of the furniture was made by the exclusive wood, that make it looks even more classy. The restaurant was addressed at Jl. FM Noto No. 7 Kotabaru Yogyakarta. 
Not only the decorations that represent Java's culture but the menus provided and the attire that all the waiter and waitress included the staff too wear were really represent Java's culture too. In 'The House of Raminten' the menus that offered are specialties from Jogja, thera are 'nasi kucing' that really well known in Jogja, usually 'nasi kucing' sell in angkringan, one of special spot that sell various food with cheap price and there are only in Jogja. Beside that this restaurant offered various drink with unique name that make us wonder what kind of drink would it be. Not only that we can find any herbal drink (call it JAMU) here.
All the food that were on menus have reasonable price beside its huge portion. I bet you won't need additional food!
And the most interesting of all, this restaurant instruct all of the staff to wear Java's attire, for the waitress, they wear a fabric with batik pattern in it as the bottom, and wear sleeveless top that called kemben. While the waiter wear white t-shirt and vest and jarik (fabric with batik pattern in it) as the bottom. 
This restaurant always get crowded every time so you must make a reservation first if you don't want to wait! Especially Sunday night!

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Jogja,,,, change my world

Jogja, also known as Yogyakarta was a capital town of D.I Yogyakarta. Beneath Yogyakarta lay aside a batch of Indonesia's histories. It was proven by some old buildings that remain same and still steadily stand till now. Yogyakarta was first a capital city of Republic Indonesia when Netherlands still enthroned in the land of Indonesia's people. But the the capital city was moved to Jakarta by some serious discussion and reconciliation of some Executives in Indonesia.
Since it was formed till now, Yogyakarta always conducted by the descent of Keraton Kigdom's family that titled Hamengkubowono. Right now Yogyakarta was conducted by Hamengkubowono X. Hamengkubowono X was a King of Keraton as well as a governor of Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta have so many unique that always attract domestic or international tourist to visit. Even though Yogyakarta had developed so much, Yogyakarta still have ancient side beneath. Not just old buildings that have stand a long time ago, but also unique tradition that always kept till now. Yogyakarta has so many traditions that always inherited by generations, such as ceremony that have mystique unsure in it. That was one of points that always attract tourist's curiousity.
Beside known for have unique tradition, Yogyakarta also known as City of  Student. There are so many people who come to Yogyakarta to study since Yogyakarta provide good education for the society. Beside the one of the unversities in Yogyakarta was the best universities in Indonesia. It was Gadjah Mada Universities that well-known in the Indonesia even in the world.
Yogyakarta also well-known for its silver craft industry that centered in Kotagede. The silver craft that produced by the craftsman in Kotagede always known for its good quality. 
Anyways, Yogyakarta has so many charm that always fascinate peoples.
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